About Journaliss

About the journal

The Journal of Indigenous and Shamanic Studies (JISS) is an interdisciplinary publication of the Institute for Indigenous Intelligence dedicated to the generation and dissemination of rigorous scholarly research on ancient and modern societies. The journal emphasizes alternative paradigms, and encourages scholarship that accounts for the variety of experiences accommodated by planet earth.

JISS is a no nonsense periodical with great and powerful editorial protocols, intuitive readership and firm scholarship and galactic reach. The journal provides avenues for connecting the dots between the known and unknown, seen and unseen, inner and outer, and the above and below dimensions.

For readers and contributors who are interested in mind mending ideas and conscious knowledge, this is the periodical for transmission. For scholars armed with knowledge that transcends conventional reality, this is the vehicle for expression. For intelligent beings operating from the sacred neutral point, whatever the topic or subject or discipline, this is the journal for manifestation.

Published under the auspices of Porthologos Press, JISS addresses itself to the plant people, the stone tribes, the creepy crawlers, the winged ones, the finned and shelled clans, and the two legged family.

As the voice of native culture, art and mystery, JISS creates a unique blend for raising frequencies and vibrations, transcending the time-space duality, and uniting the manifest with the unmanifest.


The journal covers alchemy, shamanism, super science, metaArt, storytelling, magic, folk lore and more.


  1. Provide a platform for the study, and examination of indigenous societies and knowledge embodied in ancestral lore.

  2. Serve as a vehicle for the dissemination of cutting edge knowledge on all subjects in all dimensions, galaxies, universes and time streams.

  3. A growth portal for enlivening the interaction between the modern and the old, the past and the future in the eternal now.
